Transcriptions of the journal entries are located at the end of this post.
The first journal entry is a simple, yet elegantly written entry describing the beginning of her project.

Another photo that we're able to share is a picture of the homestead of Robert Alward Jr., along with the accompanying journal entry.
Journal Entry 1 - "Reminiscing - Sat in my chair Put my head back closed my eyes folded my hands and rocked. Thats what I did most of the time those hot and muggy days of the summer of 1988. And as I rocked I tried to remember something pertaining to the pictures I had picked for the album I had decided, before the hot weather, to put together for each one of you kids. I didn't think I'd have more than a couple of dozen pictures but it mushroomed into a much bigger project than I had first planned. I now have over 100. When ever I would think of something pertaining to my childhood, I would jot it down and write about it later. These were leftover."(sic)
Journal Entry 2 - Homestead of Robert Alward Jr. It took 5 years to build. Some of the stones and lumber were from the Pine area near cemetery and grange hall. Some had been burned or charred.